Every year, millions of people make New Year’s resolutions, hoping to spark positive change. The recurring themes each year include a more active approach to health and fitness, improved finances, and learning new things for personal and professional development. Chances are, more than a couple of the top 5most common resolutions will look familiar to you:
Exercise more
Lose weight
Get organized
Learn a new skill or hobby
Live life to the fullest
But really, my new years resolution is to stop lying to myself about making lifestyle changes. I know a lot of people feel the same way and don't make resolutions for the shear fact that they never stick with them. But I thought I'd at least try in Second Life to make some resolutions!
The Scene:
KraftWork Old Sports Room . Sports Room
6.KraftWork Home Fitness . Long Punching Bag Brass (December 2022 Arcade)
7.KraftWork Home Fitness . Short Punching Bag Brass (December 2022 Arcade)
12.KraftWork Home Fitness . Decor Shelf Ash Wood Active Screen (December 2022 Arcade)
17.KraftWork Home Fitness . Barbells Brass (December 2022 Arcade)
17.KraftWork Home Fitness . Push-Up Bars Brass (December 2022 Arcade)
17.KraftWork Home Fitness . 2kg Dumbbell Duo Brass (December 2022 Arcade)
17.KraftWork Home Fitness . 4kg Dumbbell Duo Brass (December 2022 Arcade)
17.KraftWork Home Fitness . 6kg Dumbbell Duo Brass (December 2022 Arcade)
The Outfits:
Roxy - Head & Body
lel EvoX RAVEN 3.1
^^Swallow^^ Princess Ears
TRUTH / Destiny / Size 3 + Wisps
*Birth* 'Everly' Lelutka EvoX/ BOM - Tone 04
Tattoo "Skoll" (Female)_by GoK
Roxy - Clothes
: CULT : Nova
Kaithleen's Fit Time Set - Aqua Pants Legacy
Kaithleen's Fit Time Set - Aqua Top Legacy
Cody - Head & Body
lel EvoX QUINN 3.1
Stealthic - Like Lust
Cody - Clothes
Mossu - Greg.Shorts - Blue - Legacy M
Vrada Low Sneakers - Noir (LG)
The Pose:
Resolutions - Chronotis Animations